Welcome to the new-look CADmonkey!

archiCADmonkey has changed...rather evolved into CADmonkey.xyz of CADmonkeyMedia! The site has been revamped to make it as beautiful as the technology, architecture and design we feature on the blog.
It's a whole new redesign - I know it's long overdue - but work & life got in the way. I've been trying to move on from the cluttered, narrow grid, "old-school" style design for a few years, and finally I made the big leap to a contemporary clean minimalist layout.
It's a fully responsive design, adapting to any size of screen while keeping a fully immersive magazine-style layout and mobile navigation adapts to a simpler thumbnail list, among other new features.
Each article also has floating navigation arrows on the sides, making it simpler to jump to the next or previous post. Check it out!
This is just the start of the makeover, changing the the way the content is served. Many new features and functionalities will be introduced over the coming months, like being able to add the blog as a Channel in the Apple News App! Watch this space...
Hope you love it as much as I do! Drop me an email if you do, or you have any suggestions to make it even more awesome, through the Contact page.
We're going be touching upon some of the most interesting topics in the Design + Tech world for starters, here's a brief list of the latest posts:

Architect - Tech Writer - 3D Artist - 3D printing enthusiast